Department of Arts & Humanities
March 23, 2009
To: UHD Faculty and Staff
From: Thomas J. Lyttle, Director of Theatre
RE: Spring 2009 production of Tartuffe
The University of Houston-Downtown University Theatre cordially invites you to its spring production of French playwright Moliere’s seventeenth century comic masterpiece of social and religious criticism, Tartuffe.
Written in 1664 (and then, before it could be presented, re-written in 1667 and 1669 because of church censorship issues) this satiric comedy, exposing pretence and hypocrisy, centers around a gullible bourgeois gentleman named Orgon who is completely hoodwinked and nearly cuckolded by his seemingly devoted and dedicated friend, the crafty charlatan and religious zealot, Tartuffe.
Taking its origin from the French work “truffe”, meaning deception, the title of the play and its namesake antagonist, was a common epithet for schemers, connivers and con men. As you watch our production, we hope it will quickly become evident how true to its name the play is.
Please join us at one of the performances listed below as our students and guest alumni actors bring you the Richard Wilbur verse translation of this world classic, done in a modified staged reading style with a delightful twist or two.
Tartuffe opens in O'Kane Theatre on Friday, April 3 at 8 p.m. and will repeat as follows: April 4, 9, 10 (Good Friday) and 11 at 8 p.m.; April 5 at 3 p.m.; and April 8 and 10 (Good Friday) at 1:30 p.m. which are special student matinees. Tickets will go on sale at the University Cashier's Office in the 3rd floor main corridor beginning Monday, March 30 during their regular hours of operation. Any tickets not sold will be available at the theatre door beginning one-half hour before each performance. Admission is $3.00.