Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sarah Palin thinks misogyny is funny.

HI-LARIOUS! And making fun of a cancer survivor should score her lots of points with advocates of health care reform. Or, you know, people.

Thanks to the HuffPost for sharing.

Monday, August 25, 2008

DNC 2008: Blogging the Convention

I somehow got suckered into blogging for the Chronicle. I'll be Blue Team blogging this week and offering my own commentary on the speeches and goings on in Denver at the Democratic National Convention. Not that I would know what the hell is going on in Denver because I'm not in Denver, I am here.


I'll say a few words about the RNC gathering if I can stomach any of the coverage. 

Monday, August 18, 2008

What I missed today

Via Trailblazers, we learn that the DNC is highlighting Congressman Chet Edwards of Waco. In a DNC conference call on Sunday, Congressman Edwards reminded everyone of the shitty record John McCain and George Bush have in providing for our veterans over the last eight years. McCain will address the VFW convention in Orlando on Monday (if there is no hurricane).

Chet Edwards is a champion for our veterans and takes a back seat to no one in his commitment to them. That's why an RNC media hack issued a response late Sunday, trying to change the subject all quick-like:
"Instead of spending his vacation attacking John McCain, Chet Edwards should urge Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to follow McCain's leadership and allow a vote on offshore drilling."
John McCain hasn't cast a vote in the Senate in more than six months. He couldn't care less about what's happening in Congress because all he needs are the sound bites. And another thing - August isn't vacation time for Congress, it's time spent in the district. Unless you're a Republican, that is.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Breaking Cartoon News

Oh, HELL yeah. Gawker reports that The Cartoon Network is bringing back the Banana Splits!
What took them so long? That show was a complete and total trip. 

I look forward to watching and being freaked out, entertained and a little scared all at the same time, just like I was 30 years ago. 

Sunday blogging - Beijing edition

The 2008 Olympic games in Beijing, China have been fun to watch despite the shadiness by Chinese officials who want so badly for everything to go perfectly. I saw Michael Phelps and Dara Torres swim for the U.S. and make history. I watched our "women" gymnasts fall and falter to an allegedly underage Chinese competitor. 

This morning I watched the Medal ceremony awarding Venus and Serena Williams the gold for their event. As the Star Spangled Banner played and the U.S. flag was raised up the flag pole, the Williams sisters casually held their bouquets of roses and giggled. They did not place their hands over their hearts or display pride in their nation by being solemn or shedding a tear because damn it, they are patriotic. Well, patriotism might be against their religion.

Venus and Serena are Jehovah's Witnesses and do not honor the American flag and probably don't know what patriotism feels like. I'm taking a guess on what a practicing Jehovah's Witness might think patriotism means. Is it dishonoring God? But I wonder if anyone gave them pointers on how to act when someone's just placed a gold medal around your neck and the National Anthem is playing. 

It's the Olympics, people. You should know and honor the customs of your own country before going to another country and embarrassing us in front of the whole freakin' world. Thanks.

Update: The Lopez family of Fort Bend County is blogging from Beijing and will soon be in the spotlight as their Taekwondo event comes up this week. 

Sunday, August 10, 2008

On John Edwards

The Greater Heights Democrats asked me to speak at their meeting Saturday morning & I made sort of an ass of myself. I admit that. FYI, I attribute my behavior to sleep deprivation. I'm not making excuses, but 9:00 am is kind of an early call for a Saturday. Muchas gracias to Kevin for reigning me in. It was the first time I've ever been pre-empted for brreakfast tacos. Good call.

After I fumbled through a few points about the campaign, Herman Litt, chair of the Johnson Rayburn Richards Dinner, confirmed that John Edwards will not be at the event. That's cool. But why the hell did Edwards wait so long to own up to that shit? Men don't make any sense at all. GED, PhD or JD... it doesn't matter. Men let a piece of ass distract them and you just feel like slapping them upside the head for being so damn stupid.

Ugh. It really is infuriating. In my eyes, John is dirty - damaged goods. The whole reason we loved him was because he saved all his hotness for Elizabeth, the mother of his children.

No, this doesn't make him a terrible person. Everyone makes mistakes, but John Edwards' appeal was based on his unique and decadent brand of Southern loyalty and goodness. It's so very disappointing and heartbreaking all at the same time.

Elizabeth is in the prayers of many people. It's just too damn bad that her humiliation is on display for all the world to see because she deserves so much better.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday, Friday, Friday!

If you're reading this blog and you are a deputy voter registrar in Harris County, I could use your help registering voters at the Kroger at 6749 Airline at Parker Road from 4-6pm. I assured the store manager that this would be a non-partisan activity so keep your portable flashing neon Rick Noriega sign in the car. Thanks.

We'll be working in the heart of Texas House District 140, where the unopposed Democratic nominee can expect 100% of the vote in November. This is a densely Democratic district but it still has the lowest voter turnout in the county. We're doing voter registration now and then GOTV as we get closer to Election Day. HD 140 is about 70% Latino, many of whom are eligible to vote but are not registered. 

So bring your deputy card, your most comfortable kicks and an umbrella. Oh, come on. Houston afternoons in the summertime would not be complete without the aroma of freshly rained-on asphalt. You know what I'm talking about.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Estas son las mañanitas...

Happy Birfday Senator Obama! Have a good day.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I need to do this more

"What dat iz?" you ask, that I need to do more of?

I need to brag more about my Member of Congress, U.S. Rep. Gene Green. He's doing wonderful things for us in the 29th District of Texas. I don't agree with him all of the time but I trust him. 

"Why dat iz?" sez you, rubbing your two bits together, hoping they make some sense.

Because, thanks to Gene, I have a job. He's the best boss ever. I stay out his way and he keeps the lights on. It's a match made in employee-boss heaven. As if that weren't enough, Congressman Green has passed legislation, H.R. 1343, the Health Centers Renewal Act of 2007. The bill provides funding for health care centers around the U.S., and three right here at home: the Pasadena Health Center, El Centro de Corazon's Eastwood Clinic, and the Denver Harbor Clinic.

This is an important issue to me for several reasons - morally and personally. About 40 million Americans have no health insurance and must go to health clinics and pray real hard to stay healthy. I was without health insurance when I was diagnosed with an illness that needed immediate, expensive treatment a few years back and a clinic saved my life.

One of my mom's sisters, Tia Fran, is alive today because of the doctors at Denver Harbor Clinic. While others blew her off, Tia Frances was diagnosed at the Denver Harbor Clinic with a growth on her brain that was paralyzing her. Things would have turned really, really bad if the doctors in DH had not insisted upon immediate surgery.

So, on behalf of my family, Congressman - thank you. Your hard work in Congress is very much appreciated and it has given my Tia Frances her life back. 

That's her in the pink outfit in the picture below. I don't know why my family doesn't smile when posing for pictures, but I can assure you that they're happy. Ecstatic, even.

Speaking of being healthy (and happy), it's that time of year, again!

I think I just heard a collective "woo hoo!" from a bunch of moms around town.

It's time to wrestle your kids into sitting still, bribe them with ice cream and otherwise remind your mocosos that school's around the corner by taking them to get their shots. You don't want kids whose parents are anti-science getting your child sick.

Before you plan your first happy hour (IN MONTHS!), get the kids vaccinated this Saturday at the 13th annual Immunization Day in the district.

U.S. Congressman Gene Green
29th Congressional District of Texa
2335 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515
Press Releas

For Immediate Distribution 
Contact: Jesse Christopherson
July 29, 2008 202-225-1688 (office)
202-225-8620 (mobile)
Congressman Green to host 13th annual Immunization Day

Houston, TX- Congressman Gene Green (D-Texas) will host his office’s 13th Annual Immunization Day on Saturday, August 2 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. In addition to providing free immunizations for children the event will give parents an opportunity to speak with Congressman Green about preventive health initiatives.

“Immunizations are one of the most important disease prevention steps we can take to protect our children,” said Congressman Green. “I hope that people will take advantage of our Immunization Day. It’s a benefit for our children and our community.”

Every year several elementary schools are selected to host the event. Rep. Green would like to thank the healthcare groups who are making Immunization Day a success this year: the Texas Children’s Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Clinic, Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services, and the Harris County Hospital District’s Sheldon School-Based Clinic.

WHAT: Free immunizations for children and preventive health initiative information. Bring immunization records for each child.

WHEN: Saturday, August 2
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

WHERE: Janowski Elementary (HISD) - 7500 Bauman, Houston

Lantrip Elementary (HISD), 100 Telephone, Houston

Sheldon Elementary (Sheldon ISD), 17203 Hall Shepperd, Houston
