Thursday, November 6, 2008

All across the world ... in every nation!

I am still celebrating! We won. We totally freaking won. Barack Obama was elected to be the 44th President of the United States in a landslide victory that turned much of the United States blue... including Harris County!

President-elect Barack Obama (I love saying that) has begun assembling his White House staff. Chief of Staff to the President is Rahm Emanuel. He's a hard-ass ball buster, if you want to imagine what that might be in an Obama administration. I've seen many names thrown around to fill Administration positions & Cabinet posts and hope some of those names end in vowels & z's. Names like Puente, Lopez, Ortiz, Reyna ... you get the picture.

In any case... sorry for the hiatus. I was up to my eyeballs in the campaign and now I am back! 
Congratulations to Harris County Sheriff-elect Adrian Garcia. What a fantastic win! Take that, Tommy Thomas, you racist hick.

And another thing. I got an interesting e-mail today from Carl Whitmarsh, who seemed to be calling me out for unity in the Latino community because it's suddenly our own faults that the Party chose to ignore us yet again. I never, ever expected HCDP to make much of an effort in the Latino community. Hell, they had trouble pretending to give a damn, and left the East End office to flounder while the Breakfast Boutique on Travis was staffed with several people, including some from other offices.

Let's be clear - a solid effort in the Latino community does not translate into paying some washed-up old queen for "consulting and communications" services that are fancy words for the shakedown. Someone is always trying to get PAID. My crappy little salary was enough to sustain me during this campaign. I am happy to say that turnout in HD 148 was up 5% from 2004 despite being ignored completely by the Party's campaign.

There are those who really give a damn about the community and are willing to do the work. Then, there are others who don't even bother. Some people won't get off their asses long enough to make sure the one-eyed sign guy puts up the damn signs in the right damn district. Ridiculous.

In other Election developments, I'm sorry to see our friends Juan Garcia and Nick Lampson lose their seats.  And, despite Nick's attempts to win over Sugar Land knuckle draggers, he was not Republican enough for their tastes. That's a damn shame. Nick Lampson is a good Congressman.

Alas, the 2008 campaign goes on with the Runoff election in SD17. I'll be trudging over to the Bell HQ to get our boy elected. He's a great guy, that Chris Bell, and I am a huge fan. As a Team Bell member from 2004, I can say with confidence that I am not alone in my sentiments.

See you on the trail again!

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