Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
4th day of Christmas, 8th night of Hannukah
Friday, December 26, 2008
We made it
The thought of it makes me smile. Coming up: swearing in ceremonies, inauguration, town hall meetings...only to be immediately followed by the dang blasted mayoral and city council elections. One word comes to mind regarding municipal elections - Drama.
The 81st Regular Session of the Texas Legislature gavels in on Tuesday, January 13, 2008. Are you going?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
I'm in my apartment... stressing the season. Yes, I know this is supposed to be a joyous occasion and we're supposed to be buying, shopping and spending for family and friends but I am tempted to turn off the damn TV, leave the radio off and stay of the internets because for me, Virginia, there ain't no Santa Claus.
There is no job, no money and nothing really for me to celebrate other than the end of the Christmas commercials advertising Lexuses and jewelry and other crap that no one really needs but is offered, anyway, hoping there's someone out there who can still afford to buy it.
I need a damn job. I need to work. I mistakenly believed that working for elected officials and others who asked for my help would turn into some type of offer or a gig after it was all said and done. Nope.
So I hope y'all are having a Merry Christmas. I hope for one, too.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I have for you today...
On second thought ... nah, nevermind. I don't want these three so-and-so's around here.
Kos, Atrios, & Hamsher:
You really need to get over yourselves already. Is this your first time in elected politics?
For any candidate, first time or 10th, the first thing you do is to reach out to other elected officials who make up the Democratic leadership. The fact that Caroline called "the elite" is a bullshit slam against her that is unfounded, naive and really, really dumb.
The only reason Hillary Clinton was "qualified" for that seat was because she established NY residency had Money. The only reason she had Money was because she had Name Recognition. 2000 was the beginning of the end for many Democrats in the U.S., but because she was Hillary Clinton she raked in the cash from all over the country.
So get off of your high horses already. Caroline Kennedy doesn't owe you an explanation unless it's already 2010 and her name is on the ballot and, oh yeah!, you're a New York voter. Until, then, get out of Gov. Patterson's business, spare us your fake & contrived outrage and quit trying to smear a woman who has led a life of scholar, dignity and service to this country outside of Democratic politics. It just shows what assholes you are.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
There's a big polluter in the neighborhood
Sulfuric acid is a clear, colorless, oily liquid that is very corrosive. An odor threshold of sulfuric acid in air has been reported to be 1 milligram per cubic meter of air (mg/m3). If you are exposed to concentrated sulfuric acid in air, your nose will be irritated and it may seem like sulfuric acid has a pungent odor. When concentrated sulfuric acid is mixed with water, the solution gets very hot. Concentrated sulfuric acid can catch fire or explode when it comes into contact with many chemicals including acetone, alcohols, and some finely divided metals. When heated it emits highly toxic fumes, which include sulfur trioxide. It is also called sulphine acid, battery acid, and hydrogen sulfate. More sulfuric acid is produced in the United States than any other chemical. It is used in the manufacture of fertilizers, explosives, other acids, and glue; in the purification of petroleum; in the pickling of metal; and in lead-acid batteries (the type commonly used in motor vehicles). Sulfuric acid can be found in the air as small droplets or it can be attached to other small particles in the air.There are many, many mornings when we wake up to the strong smell of sulfur in the North Side. Now we know where it's coming from. From their website:
Dee Foundries is a jobbing shop, producing non-ferrous castings using the Airset or Greensand Process.I have an idea of what that means but I am certain that Dee Foundries is stinking up the place. They may also be causing health problems for the people who live in the neighborhood, meaning, of course, lots of poor, very young and elderly people.
We produce castings weighing from ounces up to 2400 pounds in Bronze, 500 pounds in Aluminum.
Our melting equipment is High Frequency Electric Induction Furnaces for all Copper-base Alloys, and Controlled Combustion Gas-fired Tilting Furnaces for Aluminum Alloys.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Pearl Harbor Day
Rich Kid, Poor Kid
"Kids from lower socioeconomic levels show brain physiology patterns similar to someone who actually had damage in the frontal lobe as an adult," said Robert Knight, director of the institute and a UC Berkeley professor of psychology. "We found that kids are more likely to have a low response if they have low socioeconomic status, though not everyone who is poor has low frontal lobe response."Well, that's a relief. And, yes, maybe it's just a little DISTURBING that the brain physiology of poor children is likened to that of brain damaged adults.
Sunday football blogging - we won!
The Houston Texans, despite their varied attempts at effing it all up, instead, stepped it up and beat the Green Bay Packers in 5 degree weather at Lambeau Field, 24-21. Hard to believe, but the Texans are still Wild Card eligible. Wow!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Members Only

Robert said he wanted to speak with security directly, and instead of security, Delee sent Terry Keel and Ron Wilson! Robert says Wilson came down the hallway wearing a big black shirt and sunglasses, even though they were indoors. But Keel (who is now House Parliamentarian) did the talking. He let Robert in to the lounge, to shoot what he wanted. We were thrilled to get what we could get, but would have loved anyone from the Speaker's office to go on camera. We were denied.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving - Late Edition
Friday, November 21, 2008
You don't say?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Kino Flores - Crooked D?
District Attorney Ronnie Earle’s approach to some cases involving ethics violations — most prominently, that of former speaker Gib Lewis — has been to offer the public official who is under fire the choice of resign your seat or face prosecution. Normally, the troubles of an individual legislator would not have much impact on the course of Texas politics. But Flores’s situation has arisen in the context of a speaker’s race. Today, November 13, is exactly two months prior to the formal vote on Tom Craddick’s future. Flores is one of a dwindling number of Craddick D’s. It is by no means certain that he will be around to take the oath of office on January 13.I'm on my way to the Capitol today to do my own snooping. I'll tell you what I find!
If he isn’t, his son might be. The blog noted “the sudden return from Tampa to South Texas of [Flores's] son, Buddy, who had been working for Florida Power & Light, courtesy of a cushy job arranged for him by Texas lawmaker Phil King, chairman of the powerful Regulated Industries Committee and a lawyer for the Florida power company.”
Not a pretty picture.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy Monday y'all!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
All across the world ... in every nation!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
KJ For Mayor!
Officially, Johnson’s mayoral campaign centers on public safety, better schools, and economic development, particularly of Sacramento’s riverfront, which he believes could rival those he visited as a ballplayer in San Antonio, Chicago, and Washington. But his greatest appeal is that he exhibits that most useful of mayoral traits, an easygoing familiarity with the full menagerie of urban life, from black teenagers to white developers. To this, he adds a quality as common to good politicians as it is rare among pro athletes: eager solicitude for the opinions of others.Sounds like his moves in politics are as skilled as those on the basketball court. KJ's endorsement list includes labor unions and plenty of prominent California Democrats like former Speaker Fabian Nuñez. I'm rooting for him!
Sometimes this has amusing consequences. At evening’s end, Johnson was the honored guest at a meeting of Hmong businessmen—a gathering over which the 6-foot-1-inch Johnson towered, much as most NBA players once towered over him. He talked briefly before opening the floor. For an hour he charmed and bantered (when necessary, through an interpreter), and he was getting ready to call it a night when he was hit with the kind of question every politician dreads, the kind you can’t possibly prepare for. Traditional Hmong shamanism involves the sacrifice of live animals, typically in the home, a practice that had resulted in a felony arrest. What was his position on animal sacrifice?
Johnson froze. The room was silent. He seemed to be wondering whether this was a joke, before deciding that, no, it probably was not a joke, and he had better not laugh. Then Johnson, still quick on his feet, spotted the play and flashed a high-wattage smile. “I’m here tonight to learn what I can do for you,” he said, “and this is exactly the type of issue that I’ll address as mayor, which is why I would like, right now, for volunteers to raise their hands if they’ll agree to be my liaison to the Hmong community.” Soon, five candidates had declared themselves to uproarious applause. Johnson brought them all, giggling and snapping pictures, to the front of the room. Game over.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
One word: AWESOME!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Republicans think smart is bad
Monday, September 29, 2008
A whole heap of trouble
- 150,000 Houstonians still haven't had power restored to their homes after the hurricane.
- Congress did not pass a "bailout" bill to save the country from something Drew is calling a "calamity."
- I still have not taken my pile of newspapers to recycle.
- Sarah Palin has not given a sensible answer to any question asked of her by the press, and
- Levi Johnston is still not free.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I'm still alive
Friday, September 12, 2008
What to do... what to do...?
Friday, September 5, 2008
Workhorses and windbags
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Joementum Returns
Monday, September 1, 2008
You can't afford no ring
The reason this is a big deal is because Sarah Palin is the Republican Vice Presidential nominee. I suspect someone was trying to hide Bristol's baby bump from the media and the voters. But let's see how they spin this one.
The good news is that if we're really, really lucky, we might get invited to the WEDDIN' there at the White House South Lawn where Bristol & Levi (her baby's daddy) are gonna park their trailer.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sarah Palin thinks misogyny is funny.
Thanks to the HuffPost for sharing.
Monday, August 25, 2008
DNC 2008: Blogging the Convention
Monday, August 18, 2008
What I missed today
"Instead of spending his vacation attacking John McCain, Chet Edwards should urge Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to follow McCain's leadership and allow a vote on offshore drilling."John McCain hasn't cast a vote in the Senate in more than six months. He couldn't care less about what's happening in Congress because all he needs are the sound bites. And another thing - August isn't vacation time for Congress, it's time spent in the district. Unless you're a Republican, that is.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Breaking Cartoon News
Sunday blogging - Beijing edition
This morning I watched the Medal ceremony awarding Venus and Serena Williams the gold for their event. As the Star Spangled Banner played and the U.S. flag was raised up the flag pole, the Williams sisters casually held their bouquets of roses and giggled. They did not place their hands over their hearts or display pride in their nation by being solemn or shedding a tear because damn it, they are patriotic. Well, patriotism might be against their religion.
Venus and Serena are Jehovah's Witnesses and do not honor the American flag and probably don't know what patriotism feels like. I'm taking a guess on what a practicing Jehovah's Witness might think patriotism means. Is it dishonoring God? But I wonder if anyone gave them pointers on how to act when someone's just placed a gold medal around your neck and the National Anthem is playing.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
On John Edwards
After I fumbled through a few points about the campaign, Herman Litt, chair of the Johnson Rayburn Richards Dinner, confirmed that John Edwards will not be at the event. That's cool. But why the hell did Edwards wait so long to own up to that shit? Men don't make any sense at all. GED, PhD or JD... it doesn't matter. Men let a piece of ass distract them and you just feel like slapping them upside the head for being so damn stupid.
Ugh. It really is infuriating. In my eyes, John is dirty - damaged goods. The whole reason we loved him was because he saved all his hotness for Elizabeth, the mother of his children.
No, this doesn't make him a terrible person. Everyone makes mistakes, but John Edwards' appeal was based on his unique and decadent brand of Southern loyalty and goodness. It's so very disappointing and heartbreaking all at the same time.
Elizabeth is in the prayers of many people. It's just too damn bad that her humiliation is on display for all the world to see because she deserves so much better.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Friday, Friday, Friday!
We'll be working in the heart of Texas House District 140, where the unopposed Democratic nominee can expect 100% of the vote in November. This is a densely Democratic district but it still has the lowest voter turnout in the county. We're doing voter registration now and then GOTV as we get closer to Election Day. HD 140 is about 70% Latino, many of whom are eligible to vote but are not registered.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
I need to do this more
This is an important issue to me for several reasons - morally and personally. About 40 million Americans have no health insurance and must go to health clinics and pray real hard to stay healthy. I was without health insurance when I was diagnosed with an illness that needed immediate, expensive treatment a few years back and a clinic saved my life.
One of my mom's sisters, Tia Fran, is alive today because of the doctors at Denver Harbor Clinic. While others blew her off, Tia Frances was diagnosed at the Denver Harbor Clinic with a growth on her brain that was paralyzing her. Things would have turned really, really bad if the doctors in DH had not insisted upon immediate surgery.
So, on behalf of my family, Congressman - thank you. Your hard work in Congress is very much appreciated and it has given my Tia Frances her life back.
I think I just heard a collective "woo hoo!" from a bunch of moms around town.
It's time to wrestle your kids into sitting still, bribe them with ice cream and otherwise remind your mocosos that school's around the corner by taking them to get their shots. You don't want kids whose parents are anti-science getting your child sick.
Before you plan your first happy hour (IN MONTHS!), get the kids vaccinated this Saturday at the 13th annual Immunization Day in the district.
U.S. Congressman Gene Green
29th Congressional District of Texas
2335 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515
Press Releas
Congressman Green to host 13th annual Immunization Day
Houston, TX- Congressman Gene Green (D-Texas) will host his office’s 13th Annual Immunization Day on Saturday, August 2 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. In addition to providing free immunizations for children the event will give parents an opportunity to speak with Congressman Green about preventive health initiatives.
“Immunizations are one of the most important disease prevention steps we can take to protect our children,” said Congressman Green. “I hope that people will take advantage of our Immunization Day. It’s a benefit for our children and our community.”
Every year several elementary schools are selected to host the event. Rep. Green would like to thank the healthcare groups who are making Immunization Day a success this year: the Texas Children’s Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Clinic, Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services, and the Harris County Hospital District’s Sheldon School-Based Clinic.
WHAT: Free immunizations for children and preventive health initiative information. Bring immunization records for each child.
WHEN: Saturday, August 2
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
WHERE: Janowski Elementary (HISD) - 7500 Bauman, Houston
Lantrip Elementary (HISD), 100 Telephone, Houston
Sheldon Elementary (Sheldon ISD), 17203 Hall Shepperd, Houston###
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I overslept
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
McCain's got some Cold War acid reflux
Hurricane Dolly
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
No one wants to laugh at Barack
Monday, July 14, 2008
Viva la revolucion
Friday, July 11, 2008
Christina Aguilera Rocks the Vote
I know, I know...
Really, though. If Erik Barajas isn't reading me the news, then is it really news?
Please bear with me. The office is having issues with our DSL connection and so I am borrowing a signal from the neighbor. Just wanted to wave howdy to the "TPA" to which I am now affiliated.
Thanks, I accept.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
On the passing of George Carlin
Friday, June 20, 2008
Hullo, Thursday
I have to tell you, I've enjoyed watching how the Obama campaign handles the press. The moves are not intended to throw anyone off - or maybe they are. It's understood that the Public Has A Right To Know and that the news people Are Just Doing Their Jobs. I get that they are annoyed, and that the life of a traveling press corp man/woman for the next president is not the best job in the world, except that it is. If it weren't so amusing that the Third Estate's feelings are hurt by the Obama campaign's message control methods, it would be maddening.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sunday blogging
Last night, we got together for my uncle Frank's 50th birthday party. He was surprised and had a really good time. It was a fun party.
That's Uncle Frank with a few of his nieces & nephews.
Okay, back to my Sunday New York Times. Good Day!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Saluting my friends
Remember, this process started on March 4th, just a few months ago. Running for Delegate takes a big amount of time away from family, work and other priorities. It's a big sacrifice! Since then Turner's been very active in the Party. His wife Ruth was there on Saturday with the kids, supporting Turner and graciously sharing her husband with a bunch of unruly Democrats.
The Wrights are now Denver-bound and deservedly so!
Here's Turner sticking it out at the SD6 Convention on March 29th in Houston:
TDP Convention in pictures
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Back from the TDP Convention
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Gearing up for Austin
Friday, May 30, 2008
Irma's in The Atlantic
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Fun at the DNC Rules Committee Meeting
Ah... Florida. I knew I could re-count on you.And Michigan! Democrats seem to be continuously working on a solution, so I'm less worried about you. However, let this be a lesson: There are rules that are put in place for a reason. You just can't change them arbitrarily to Pantsuit your own needs.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Is this thing on?
Yes, we know she's pissed off at the prospect of losing, as are her army of post-menopausal white women who justify their ire by saying they will never see a woman elected President of the United States in their lifetimes. Yes, Hillary Clinton's campaign forges on and she continues to talk a whole lot of s-h-i-t along the way. Earlier this week, she was on quite a roll with the sexism claims against the Obama campaign, the media and anyone else her husband could wave his finger at. It was an issue that was working, too, as many bloggers and big media-types opined on how Clinton has been the target of extreme sexism.
Then she speculated about the possibility of the death of her opponent.
This is what she gets for wishing bad upon others. She's still in the Democratic race for the nomination because she and her merry band of haters insist that Barack Obama is unworthy and unelectable, and that he is bound to fuck up so bad that the Party will come to its senses and "select" her as our nominee.
Karma's a bitch, isn't it?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Que dios se bendiga, Senator Kennedy
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Tubin' the Guadalupe
Today was perfect tubing weather - 92 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. The next camping trip may be to my favorite place in the wide world - Garner State Park & the Frio River. It's got clear water, gorgeous scenery and lots of hot South Texas cowboys. Nothing chills that kind of heat like the Rio Frio, which lives up to its name.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
In case you missed it....
The Clinton campaign made payments of $80 to $125 to more than 200 people in Houston, and $100 to $200 to 170 people in the McAllen and Brownsville areas near the Mexican border.
Here in Houston, the Obama campaign resisted the "shakedown" by many people and at least one public figure (and you know who you are). It's been widely suggested that the reason Sen. Obama didn't do better in Philadelphia is because his campaign refused to pay the locals the walkin' around money they are accustomed to getting from various candidates at election time.The Clinton campaign did not respond to several requests for comment. Hari Sevugan, a spokesman for the Obama campaign, drew a distinction between the money it paid to college students, who he said were enthusiastic supporters to begin with, and the payments by the Clinton campaign, which he described as an effort to buy influence among important constituencies.
It is unclear whether the payments made much of a difference. Mrs. Clinton did sweep the border areas of Texas by wide margins, helping her win the primary by about 100,000 votes, of nearly 2.9 million cast, but she had already had a strong base of support among the region’s Hispanics. And Mr. Obama carried Houston and other urban areas where black voters formed a crucial bloc of support.
If there is one practice that should be abolished, it is this one. I am all for campaign workers getting paid for the work they do in the field. Hell, I am one of those campaign workers. What I despise is the "pay to play" old-school game that equivocates the hard work of true believers in this democracy with the sheisty patron/patrona system that gives Latinos in politics a bad name.
Extortion sucks. Anyone who plays this game is a liar, a cheater and yes - deserves to lose.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Special Comment
People, listen. We must let Senator Clinton run her campaign and let her decide when it is time to end her run for the nomination. Team Clinton cannot afford to carry on the way they have onto the next primaries. They're broke, they owe money to vendors in almost every state and the cash is drying up fast. Things are not going well. Let her supporters get it out of their systems. Know that they are angry and upset that their candidate will not be the 44th President of the United States. But if I may, I'd like to pass along some advice from some well-seasoned Democrats who back Clinton: this is politics, baby. Someone has to win and someone has to lose.
These words of wisdom were spoken in reference to the many supporters of Senator Obama who, at various times during the course of this campaign, felt cheated and reduced to the status of being "new to the game," and thus rendering them unworthy of understanding how politics is played. The comments by Bill in South Carolina? That's politics, baby.
Sending out misleading and incorrect information about Barack Obama's position on choice in New Hampshire? Politics, plain & simple - and it worked.
Lots of tactics worked well for the Clinton campaign. They have seriously played up Senator Clinton's whiteness as the main reason she should be our party's nominee. She's already used the "vote for me because it is time to elect a woman" strategy. Now she is using the "vote for me because I am white" strategy. Her campaign is trying to sell a bill of goods to Democrats that isn't worth the Blackberry it was typed on. The Clinton camp is insisting that Democrats need the votes of the uneducated white-working class in November to win the presidency. This is all bullshit.
Number one, Senator Obama has done increasingly better with the white working-class vote in each contest. West Virginia may not bode well for him on May 13th when that state holds their primary. Nevertheless, the Clintons continue to encounter opposition in those states, as well.
Number two, the white working class vote has not gone for a Democrat in at least two generations. The Reagan Democrats boast "conservative values" that Senator Clinton proudly identified with on the campaign trail. She transformed herself from privileged, private schooled, filthy-rich lawyer and former First Lady to a whiskey-swilling blue-collar lush overnight. Gone were the "screw 'em" sentiments she voiced at Camp David in 1995. Suddenly, she was our Great White Hope who felt our pain at the gas pump and tried hard to contrast that image against the annoying black man who thinks he's smarter than us. Classy.
Number three, the working class white electorate that she courts may not vote for her over John McCain. Do you know who would vote for her over McCain? The base of the Democratic party - African Americans. This community is solidly, loyally Democratic. We can count on our brothers and sisters in the black community to stand with us all day and all night in fighting the Republicans. The way she has and continues to insult the base of the Democratic party is dumbfounding.
Additionally, I find it absolutely astounding how prominent leaders of our party continue to stand with the Clinton campaign while they belittle the value of black Democrats and use Republican talking points ("gaaas taaax holiday") and an updated version of the Southern Strategy to divide the Democratic party.
I am not asking that the Clintons suspend their bid for the presidency. I ask that everyone stay tuned to the Democratic primary contests and observe how the Clintons went all out, balls to the walls and still lost. When you sell your soul to special interests and to the worst attributes of human nature, you get what you deserve.
Monday, May 5, 2008
One Day Out: The Indiana and North Carolina Primaries
Friday, May 2, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Debate? No thanks, we're good.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
It's Pennsylvania Primary Day, Kids
Monday, April 21, 2008
Light Posting Ahead
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Debate or Roasting?
The 21st Democratic Presidential Debate in Philadelphia last night was embarrassing. ABC News' George Stephanopoulos and Charlie Gibson decided to waste two hours of America's time asking questions about flag pins and retired 60's era radicals. Most of the debates have been on CNN or MSNBC, so I was looking forward to a good debate on the issues on free TV in front of a big national audience. What we got instead were questions about fake controversies regarding Barack Obama's patriotism and then more questions about one of his neighbors, a 60's-era radical who the American public didn't know about until last night.
I suppose ABC News wanted to show up the cable channels and "get tough" on Senator Obama. There were no questions on education policy or any substantive discussion on foreign policy, but lots of talk about Bosnia, Bitter and the stuff that clogs up your junk mail. At times, I thought I was watching a political and very unfunny version of Comedy Central's Roast show. I was waiting for Senator Clinton to turn into Lisa Lampanelli and get her digs in, too. She showed mild restraint but I don't expect Team Clinton to protest too loudly, even though they should. It's not like their candidate got a chance to talk about the issues!
On behalf of people in politics, I apologize to the American public for making you miss your favorite shows or activities because of that sad display in politics last night. You know, there are soldiers dying in Iraq and Afghanistan and George wants to talk about flag pins. Unbelievable.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sunday blogging
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I got that feeling...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Jose Canseco is nucking futs
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Yes, friends... this is what it has come to.